Hi Roxxii! Thanks for agreeing to chat with me. I really love your blog! So tell me a bit about Studded Kisses- how long has it been going? What inspired you to start it?
I began the blog five years ago in 2012, when I was studying journalism. It was somewhere to practice my writing and something I saw I needed to do to help my journalism portfolio. Also I had been blogging and posting about my outfits for years on social media so I thought, why not start a blog and document it properly? Plus I was really into fashion and beauty vlogs and blogs, so these inspired me.

Taken from Instagram
You always have such vibrant posts on Instagram- do you think having an Instagram as a blogger is important? What role does it play with your brand?
Instagram is so important nowadays. This is where people get to know you, they can chat to you and keep up with you regularly. They can see your live videos and feel like they really know you. It’s an amazing platform which has provided myself and other bloggers with so many opportunities. I didn’t start my Instagram until a few years after my blog as back in 2012/2013 Instagram wasn’t as important. You have to have one nowadays!
So tell us about your clothes- how would you describe your personal style?
My style changes daily! I’ve always loved to wear bright colours and my fashion sense has always been very different. One day I can go smart and girly, another day very bright (candy and pastel colours or rainbow colours, very kawaii) and the next I may go for more of a punky vibe. It’s hard to describe what category my style falls in to!

Taken from Instagram
So you live in London right? What kind of things do you get up to? Do you think living in the capital affects your blog?
Yes I live in London. I work full time in public relations so when I’m not working I am freelancing and blogging! I love going to new restaurants and bars in the city, there’s always so much happening. It is definitely my favourite city. Living in London helps with blogging so much, I can get to events easily and there’s so many good locations for blog photography.
What’s it like working in Public relations? Is it as glamorous as it looks in mainstream media?
It is great fun and I love it but no I wouldn’t say it is as glamorous as it is made out to look on TV! At times it can be busy and stressful but it is all worth it in the end as it is such an amazing feeling to see your client be successful and see the PR working! Plus I meet so many amazing journalists and bloggers who are so inspirational and are just lovely people. I’ve met so many fantastic people through working in PR.

Taken from Instagram
What kind of other things do you do? Do you write for anyone else?
At the moment I am freelancing for Metro.co.uk and The Huffington Post.
Did you always want to be in a creative job? What did you want to be as a youngster?
I would spend so much time writing when I was younger, I was writing new stories every day! I always wanted a creative career and since I was a young child I said always said that I wanted to write in magazines. I was obsessed with magazines growing up!
Do you have any advice for aspiring bloggers or those just starting out?
Just go for it! I think you should blog about something you are really passionate about because you love it and not start a blog in the hopes of getting freebies. Opportunities will come eventually but you need to work on your blog and it takes time. I’ve been doing this for five years and I still have a long way to go.

Taken from Instagram
What’s next for you? Any exciting projects coming up?
I have lots of travel pieces coming up which I am working on plus I have lots of exciting brand collaborations over the next few months with my favourite brands which I am so happy to be working with.

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