Happy Sunday Cupcakers,
Here’s an artwork post featuring Chibi Mica to celebrate International Womxn’s day. Mica is wearing an elegant pastel blue gown and ornate tiara.
It’s so important to celebrate Women, of course. However, we personally feel at Cupcake HQ that equality and diversity is the most important ideal to stick to. Yes we want to celebrate and remember all the incredible women in the past who have fought for our right to vote, our right to sit where we like on a bus, our right to do what we like with our bodies, etc. But at the same time, there are trans, queer, gay, bisexual, poly, non binary and so many other individuals who want to be celebrated just as much as us ladies do!
So the message I want to portray in this article, and for this day, is let’s celebrate amazing, beautiful and unforgettable womxn around the world! Let’s love, share and support these womxn as much as we can. Not because someone famous has committed suicide, not because it’s a trend or a fad. But because it’s the kind thing to do.
Stay Stylish!!