Well, Feburary is finally upon us (eek!) and my internship with Glam UK (Mode Media) is in full swing! Today is my third day (I am only doing 3 days a week as I am still working at Matalan) and I am loving it!
Everyone is very friendly and helpful, and I feel very much at home after only 3 days. I have already written a two articles for their fashion and beauty website and have just sent them a third. Even though it is extortionate to get here so early in the morning, and I am so tired, being able to express myself creatively and do a job where I can push myself is worth it.
My first day I was asked to go in for 10am, so the night before I made sure I had my outfit (sort of ) picked, my lunch made and everything on charge ready for the early morning. I woke up feeling anxious yet excited, ready to start my day.
I went for my black silk shirt from Boohoo with flecks of pink and my favourite black velvet skirt. I caught the half 7 bus (which was late) and finally caught the 8.15am train to London Victoria (which cost me £23.35 instead of £41.10!!!). The journey, although long winded, was very easy, the tube to Oxford Circus from Victoria took 4 mins and I found the office just past Topshop in a further 5 minutes.
The day started off slow but I had a meeting with Olivia and Amy from the Fashion department, and I met Jess (their boss) and Henna (from food and lifestyle). There were many other faces in the long office room filled with endless desks and laptops, who’s names I will remember in time!
I love my little desk and laptop, I use my Nikon USB stick and put all the word documents I make and images I download onto there, so I can access them at home if need be.
Day 2 I wore my long grey and pale blue maxi dress from Matalan and my black loose knitted jumper from Next, which Amy said she liked! I went with Olivia to a fancy hotel in Picadilly to meet a Remington’s skin care expert and talk about their new products. The hotel was incredible and we were given fresh orange juice as a refreshment. There was a bowling alley and bar complete with a massive spiralling orange juice maker!!
I started writing articles for their ‘Fragrance of the month’ section and another beauty article inspired by Valentine’s Day, about how Roses are taking over the beauty industry. Both gave me a chance to really use my imaginative descriptive side of my brain, and Amy and Olivia really liked the articles.
Friday, my third and final day this week, I wore my favourite black Next graduation dress with tulip sleeves and my red kimono from Matalan for the #wearitbeat it campaign from the British Heart Foundation. The entire Mode Media team were taking pictures of each other for the occasion and I was lucky enough to feature in some of the pictures. I finished off by hand picking and writing an article about blogger of the week and finished the rose beauty article by resizing all the images needed for the post. It made me miss using WordPress so much, hence why I’ve started writing on my own personal blog again!
I’ve attached some pictures that I took of last week, I’ll post about my week 2 on Friday!
Much love
Mica x x
