Ciao fashion lovers from Milan Fashion Week! (I wish)
Wanted to talk to you all about being Patriotic for our country, as the deadline is looming for my magazine project at uni, and our USP is that we’re quite British-orientated. But not overly-so. We want to highlight and promote how Britain is a lot more multi-cultural than it has been in the past, and how everyone’s ancestry and backgrounds are different, from different cultures, religions and nationalities. We wanted to draw from subcultures and styles from the past, Post-War more specifically, and use that to influence our articles and photo shoots.
Making this relevant to Fashion Week- on the catwalks in the beautiful Milan (I was there this time last year, I really want to go back!) I’m going to look at Moschino’s A/W 2013/14 show, which focused a lot on British Heritage, here is a quote that Vogue got from the Creative Director Rossella Jardini:
“I love everything that is British, I have from the beginning. I always do, anytime,”
It’s really nice to know that an Italian designer and brand would look to Britain, and all of Britain, to influence a collection. In the aftermath of a recession, it’s good to see that Britain still has its edge in terms of style and culture.
The first wave of garments that came onto the catwalk was influenced by Scottish tartan, with sharp tailored jackets and slim leg riding trousers. Topped with oversized equestrian-style hats, big gold earrings, chain link little red tartan handbangs and chunky, punk-esque boots.
Vogue described them as ‘Moschino show ponies’, with some of them travelling in pairs, complete with tiny- almost night shirt like- dresses and red and blue crest filled sashes, long black socks and baroque inspired embellished shoe boots.
It was a nice touch to feature Asian as well as Caucasian Models, one of my favourite ensembles worn by a Korean-looking model was complete with a Scottish Glengarry hat, white shirt with tartan bow tie and waist coat, the beautiful tartan suit jacket, black kilt with the iconic ‘M’ symbol acting as a kilt pin. The outfit is finished off with the decorative gold earrings, the red chain link bag, red socks and the punky boots. (Quite Vivienne Westwood inspired perhaps?).
Then came the tartan dresses, one of my favourites featured a tulip skirt, lots of layers, and a nice crest style badge sewn right into the front, with the matching tartan bangles, black patent handled tartan bag, black socks, and the same baroque-esque shoe boots.
It went a bit more Royal Air Force blue later on in the show, with military double breasted jackets with yellow pockets and collars, with black bags complete with fringing, and grey ‘school skirts’, grey matching socks and punky boots. Followed shortly by a slightly cropped jacket that seemed to be worn backwards, but still had the Moschino ‘M’ encrusted on the back (or front.) That jacket was worn with the oversized riding hat, English rose-covered leggings and a brown fringed ‘bum bag’ worn around the models waist. The backwards jacket look carried on, with different patterns drawn on the back (or front), roses, badges, etc. One rose jacket was teamed with slim fitting red riding trousers, with a peplum quality piece of material added onto the top of the trousers. With another black patent hand bag and brown punky boots.
The gorgeous tailoring, funky patterns and accessorise, Asian models, and pairing the models down the catwalk carries on throughout, revealing more and more delicious surprises.
All in all, a gorgeous show, very British and iconic. A wonderful account on what British heritage is from someone Italian.
Anyway, must dash, more soon lovelies!
