Imagine it. The 60s. In London. Following Jean Shrimpton around with your 35mm camera like some kind of paparazzi blood hound. This is what I was channelling when writing my article for my Editorial Project at Uni (I study a BA honours in Fashion Media and Promotion-sounds very fancy I know). After what seemed like a million cups of herbal tea; I’ve developed a weakness for Lady Grey, I finally got to the stage where I decided it was complete. Staying true to the theme, I want to share a segment of this article; linking it to the Spring/Summer 2013 collection showcased by the Fabulous Marc Jacobs. I have always adored the 60s, and I hope to illustrate this.
Here are the ‘best bits’ from my article
“When people say ‘the swinging 60s’, what do they actually mean? Just who were the icons of that era and what did Britain learn from them? Those were the kinds of questions that I asked myself in preparation for the Biba and Beyond Exhibition at the Brighton Museum and Gallery. I knew a lot about Mary Quant and what her mini skirt did for youth culture; but I was unsure of Biba’s influence over the 60s…. After moseying on up to the ‘Biba and Beyond’ space at the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery, I could soon see why Barbara Hulanicki was so successful. Her fashions were awesome. Emigrating from Poland after her father was assassinated, and moving to Brighton, she studied at Brighton Art College. Hulanicki’s talents were soon discovered after she won a competition with the ‘Daily Mirror’-by designing a sleeveless gingham shift dress. The 1960s was well known for not only its fashion and music, but also its advancement in medical technology. It was a time for sexual freedom and youth culture; so the invention of the contraceptive pill was a big deal for youth at that time. But was it as easily accessible as it was advertised? I interviewed my Grandmother for her view of the 60s, and being born into a family of 5 children in North London suburbia, her lifestyle maybe wasn’t quite as ‘swinging’ as a central London girl’s life would have been. My Grandmum, Judy, considered herself to be a ‘true child of the 60s’ age 11, and even though she was far away from all the hustle and bustle of a busy city life, she was still caught up in the ‘excitement of the newly emerging youth culture’ with artists like the Beatles and The Rolling Stones; as well as the fast changing fashion, happening very suddenly. Like Barbara Hulanicki, she too was an aspiring designer, writing in her Grammar School English essay in September 1960 that if she had the chance, she would like to be a Fashion Artist and have ‘lots of lovely clothes’ which she adored.”
This season, after the snow has vanished, Marc Jacobs has predicted that women everywhere will be fashioning a more modern variety of the 60s style. Staying true to the smokey eyes and the infamous ‘beehive’- but modernising the smouldering sex appeal encapsulated in that decade with oversized black and white or beige coats and sheer flesh coloured blouses.
That was just one half of the show. The rest consisted of tiny silk t-shirts with ruffled collars, midi silk dresses with ruffled sleeves, and woven black and white PVC skirts; teamed with equally shiny striped long-sleeved tops. All outfits flashed a reasonable amount of flesh- be it leg, abdomen, etc.
The show oozed a very cool and sexy atmosphere throughout- with each and every model pouting their way down the runway. This homage to the 60s was something that my Grandmother would have greatly enjoyed-I am determined to take her to a Fashion Week show one day.
Lots of Love,
Mica x
