Hola Cupcakers!
I hope everyone is staying safe in these (still) weird and unusual times. I am sat here juggling all the list of things I need to this week.
One of them is getting stuck back in to this wonderful blog!
Unfortunately due to things happening in my life (more on that in another post) I haven't been able to focus as much on Mica Cupcake as I would have liked.
I have some free time; so I have gotten my teeth back into designing certain pages, and writing more awesome content for my amazing Cupcakers!
I honestly owe so much to this blog; it keeps me in tune with all the latest digital tech, all the latest Western and Eastern trends; and most importantly...it keeps me communicating with you guys!
Anyway, I was obsessed with this Ne Yo track when I worked at Matalan and I've just rediscovered it, like an old friend.
Here it is
Taken from here.
Meesh xoxo