Happy Friday Cupcakers
We sit on the cusp of Autumn; and one cannot help but reflect on the last few months....
I loved being at home when I was being furloughed; the weather was beautiful, my family was all safe and locked away (either with me or in their own homes) and although there was a lot of uncertainty about this pandemic and its implications, I knew that I was in the right place.
Now I've been back at work and Summer is coming to an end, I am surprisingly looking forward to the next chapter of 2020.
September is one of those months that always triggers certain a feeling of change, and to me that's a really nostalgic feeling. Now bear with me on this one, I'll explain.
September is the month I went back to School, College or University. It was the start of the new term, a chance to start anew. Leave all the vibes from the previous year behind and go into another year of education with a fresh perspective and a drive to get amazing grades.
The weather turns, it gets very rainy and dark. The leaves change colour and fall from the trees. Halloween and Bonfire night are just around the corner and you can start getting your jumpers and jackets back out of the cupboard again. New notebooks, new clothes, a fresh set of student loans coming through; a chance to re-invent myself.
So, with that in mind, as I go into September and leave August behind, I enter into a new chapter of my journey. I've got a new job(!) I'm working on a new look and I've got some awesome new people in my life. All of this positive change has triggered a more mature and grown up attitude. I feel like the best version of myself, someone who understands herself more and accepts herself for who she is, not who she pretends to be just to suit others.
So...without further ado...I introduce this weeks Track!!
This is 'September', from the TROLLS MOVIE soundtrack, performed by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick.
Video used from here.
Here's to a fabulous Autumn.
Stay Stylish.